School holiday road safety tips

Royal Automobile Club of Victoria is urging Victorian motorists to keep safe on roads.

With school holidays and family road trips around the corner, Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV) is urging Victorian motorists, including those in Wyndham, to keep safe on roads.

As of September 12, 2023, 206 people have lost their lives on Victorian roads in 2023 – an increase of 21.9 per cent on last year.

RACV road safety policy lead Sam Lynch said that it was important for every Victorian motorist to do their part to ensure a safe holiday period.

“School holidays at this time of year are a great opportunity for a road trip, but that often means an increased number of people driving on unfamiliar roads with different conditions,” Mr Lynch said.

“We are encouraging everyone heading away to make sure they get to their destination safely – even one life lost on our roads is too many and we need all Victorians to play their part in driving safely.”

Concerningly, as of July, the Victorian road toll was also 37.5 per cent beyond the National Road Safety Strategy target for the year.

All governments committed to the strategy in an effort to significantly reduce road trauma by 2030.

RACV’s key tips include: making sure roadside assistance is current, ensuring your car servicing is up to date, making sure you are well rested before embarking on a long trip, being patient with fellow drivers and removing distractions.