School goes the distance for Relay

Students at Emmanuel College taking part in the Relay for Life. Photo: Supplied

Students and staff from Emmanuel College have put their best foot forward to raise $5800 for the Relay for Life.

Members from the school’s Point Cook and Altona North campuses gathered together for a Relay for Life event, an annual campaign which raises funds for the Cancer Council, earlier this year.

As a team, more than 100 Emmanuel pupils and teachers walked and ran a combined 3532 laps around the school, including the gym.

Overall, the laps amounted to a distance of around 1130 kilometres.

The college’s leader of mission support, Celeste Casale, said the evening also included dancing, singing and eating pizza.

“At 9pm, the students and staff gathered together for a ceremony in gym to remember past family and friends who have lost their battle to cancer, but also to pray to those who are fighting or who have survived their battle of cancer,” Ms Casale said.

“This was followed by a silent walk around the track lit up by candles in white and brown paper bags in honour of those who are or have been affected by cancer.”

Ms Casale said that students had chosen to donate the funds raised at the event to the Cancer Council’s efforts to support people with, and research into, lung and liver cancer.

“This was the first time Emmanuel College has ran Relay For Life, (there was) such an amazing turn out and I am so pleased and grateful for this,” Ms Casale said.

Ms Casale said she organised the Relay for Life event with the help of Elizabeth Buckley and Mark Sciberras.