Same, again for Werribee South

Photo by Damjan Janevski. 210480_14

Ratepayers Werribee South president Dr Joe Garra says that every year when Wyndham council seeks feedback on its budget, the community asked for the same basic issues to be addressed.

Public consultation on suggestions for the council’s draft 2022-2023 budget closed on February 20.

Dr Garra said that for the past three to four years, the ratepayers’ group has been requesting the council work towards fixing the potholes and mud on Werribee South’s roads.

“We often say the same things every year, such as that the roads are a mess,” he said.

Dr Garra said residents accepted mud on the roads, due to farmers driving vehicles such as tractors, but that large clumps of mud left behind could potentially pose a danger to motorists – and that this was an issue Ratepayers Werribee South has been constantly raising with the council.

Dr Garra said the council was doing positive work in Werribee South, including developing the as stated in the Werribee South Green Wedge Policy and Plan and sealing carparks near the beach.

But he said more work needed to be done, especially if the council wanted to attract for more visitors to the area.

“They haven’t actually increased the number of car parks, which is a huge issue down there (at Werribee South beach),” Dr Garra said.

“If you go down any day on the weekend, if it’s a nice day, people park on either side of the road and open doors onto the road.”

In addition, Dr Garra said ratepayers wanted the council to take action on erosion of the K Road cliffs.

“With the K Road cliffs, we keep going on about the drainage at the bottom of the river every time part of the cliff falls away,” he said.

A Wyndham council spokesperson said planning on the annual budget planning process was well underway.

“The Draft Annual Plan and Budget will be further developed over the coming months and is expected to go on public exhibition around April or May,” the spokesperson said.

“Wyndham city welcomes any and all ideas from residents and groups as to how we can better improve and deliver infrastructure and services across the whole of Wyndham.”

By Alesha Capone