Wyndham council and Victoria Police joined forces to enforce road safety outside schools during February.
Victoria Police worked with Wyndham council to undertake patrols at selected schools during the term to help improve driver behaviour, by educating parents and guardians about the safety of children around school zones.
Council said the operation ‘Back to School’ campaign included Wyndham council and Victoria Police’s Highway Patrol officers monitoring safe parking and driving behaviour, including ensuring seat belts were being worn, parking was legal and reduced speed zones at peak periods outside schools were observed.
Wyndham mayor and community safety portfolio holder Susan McIntyre, said everyone needed to prioritise driver safety.
“The busy periods of pick-up and drop-off require additional caution to keep kids safe as traffic can become congested and drivers need to observe safe parking and traffic flows around schools,” Councillor McIntyre said.
“Our Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan 2022-2032 highlights the need to work with our road safety partners such as Victoria Police to address issues such as speeding and running red lights.
“Creating a safe road network is everyone’s responsibility, let’s work together to ensure everyone arrives at school and home safely”.