Reforms to give kids the best start

A Wyndham Childcare anticipates a new reform set to reimburse families up to $2500 could help struggling parents utilise the municipality’s childcare services.

The Best Start, Best life reforms will provide $9 million over the next ten years to help families save money and support women to return to the workforce.

As of October 14, 97 per cent of kindergartens in Wyndham had opted to participate in the program, with the remaining three per cent not yet providing a response.

Wallaby Childcare Sanctuary Lakes director, Vanessa Pierce said that program, set to begin next year, could assist families facing financial difficulty.

“Wallaby…has decided to opt in, it’s based on family and what the community needs,” she said.

“Having children involved and participating in our four year old kindergarten program is important for the children of the community.

“Everybody knows that the first five years of a child’s life is really dependent on these things.”

Ms Pierce says that for families who have their children enrolled in long day care settings, about $2000 worth of fees will be covered by the scheme over the 40 week childcare year.

Across the state, 39 Local Government Areas have 100 per cent opt in and 97 per cent of Long Day Care services have opted in.

By providing the financial assistance to get kids into childcare, the state government also hopes more people will be able to return to the workforce.

“More Victorian families can access high-quality, free kinder services – giving their children the best start to life,” Early childhood and pre-prep minister Ingrid Stitt said.

“We are undertaking the most ambitious roll-out of free kinder…will deliver a pipeline of new and expanded kindergartens right across Victoria.”

Participating kindergartens will receive funding directly from the state government, so families are not out of pocket while waiting to claim the savings back.