Reduced speed zones return for term three.


With students returning to the classroom for term three this week, Wyndham drivers are being reminded to slow down and observe speed limits in school zones.

Following the end of school holidays, reduced speed zones outside schools have resumed, operating from 8.30am to 9am on weekday mornings and 2.30 to 4pm in the afternoons.

Wyndham mayor Susan McIntyre said it wasn’t just drivers who needed to careful around schools.

“Safety is everyone’s responsibility, so all road users including cyclists are

asked to be diligent and alert around schools, particularly during peak times,” Cr McIntyre said.

“It’s important to observe the road rule signage around schools also – no double

parking or stopping in a no-standing zones and parking on nature strips is both illegal

and dangerous.”

Students are also being called on to contribute to road safety by using supervised school crossings where possible and obeying road rules, signs and traffic lights.

Parents can also access The Wyndham Active Travel to School program which helps schools provide safe travel routes for students walking, riding and scooting from home.

For more information on road rules around schools, visit: