Record times for surgery and emergency response


Victoria’s hardworking doctors, nurses and paramedics are continuing to deliver world-class healthcare despite record demand.

The latest quarterly performance data shows the planned surgery waitlist is now the lowest it has been since the beginning of the pandemic.

More than 55,000 patients admitted for planned surgery between April and June this year – with the waitlist down 33.6 per cent since April 2022.

All Category 1 planned surgery patients were treated within the recommended timeframe, while the median wait times reduced by 26 days for Category 3 (non-urgent) patients and 14 days for Category 2 (semi-urgent) patients compared to the same time last year.

In the past financial year, almost 210,000 planned surgeries were performed – the highest figure on record made possible due to the COVID Catch Up Plan which helped cleared the backlog of surgeries from the pandemic.

Despite the demand the median emergency department waiting time remained steady at 15 minutes and 70 per cent of all patients were seen within the clinically recommended time. All Category 1 patients – those assessed as being critically unwell and requiring immediate treatment – continue to be seen immediately upon arrival to an ED.

This quarter was Ambulance Victoria’s busiest on record with 102,379 Code 1 cases – a 5 per cent increase in demand compared to the same time last year.

Ambulance Victoria responded to 64.2 per cent of Code 1 cases within 15 minutes with a state-wide average response time of 15 minutes and 37 seconds – 27 seconds faster than same time last year.