Rail axing denied


Cade Lucas

The state government have denied reports that it has axed proposed rail lines to Wyndham Vale and Melton.

Reports earlier this week claimed internal government documents released through Freedom of Information showed the Western Rail Plan, which involved new electrified train lines to Wyndham Vale and Melton, had been shelved.

Speaking outside parliament on Wednesday, Deputy Premier Jacinta Allen said the reports were wrong.

“Lets be clear, those reports and that characterisation are incorrect, ” Ms Allen said.

“Those documents that are referred to are internal working documents and do not reflect any government decision.”

The Deputy Premier touted existing projects such as the Metro Tunnel, level crossing removals and track duplications as already benefitting commuters in the west.

When asked if lines to Wyndham Vale and Melton, which are currently serviced by V-line, would be electrified, she said it was important to complete projects in sequence.

“Each investment has to build on the one that comes before it and that’s what we’ve said all the way along.”

Earlier, Wyndham mayor Susan McIntyre expressed disappointment at the reported axing, noting the Western Rail Plan was an election commitment.

“The plan, announced in 2018, promised increased services via the electrification and duplication of the Wyndham Vale and Melton lines, which the Premier rightly described at the time as ‘a plan that will deliver the transformation that our state needs’, Cr McIntyre said.

“If the Government walks away from their promise, those accessing train services in these areas will be jammed onto just four tracks between Sunshine and the City, limiting the ability to deliver new services for our residents.”

Speculation about the Western Rail Plan’s future intensified following the state budget, where no money was allocated for Geelong Fast Rail, a project the government repeatedly said needed to be built first.

A government spokesman said Geelong Fast Rail was subject to the federal government’s infrastructure review.