A portable sculpture is helping raise awareness of the impact of litter on the environment in Wyndham.
The sculpture comprises 3D letters spelling out ‘Our Home’, which stand one-metre high and have been created out of chicken wire for Melbourne Water’s Litter Action campaign.
Melbourne Water’s Waterwatch co-ordinator, Dr Teresa Mackintosh, said Wyndham residents chose the words in response to a social media campaign about the project.
“The community told us they felt ‘Our Home’ best defined what this campaign and sculpture is trying to achieve,” Dr Mackintosh said.
“That is – to increase litter awareness and action amongst the Wyndham community –and in doing so, protect and care for the local environment, their home.
“Each of the sculptured letters is hollow and we are encouraging people passing by to put their rubbish inside them.
“This is a powerful visual and practical action to remind people to bin their litter and help protect our waterways and wildlife.”
The sculpture was created in collaboration with NatureWest and The Werribee River Association.
NatureWest chair Bruce Boddington said the community groups would be able to use the portable sculpture at litter clean-up events.
“We feel this sculpture will convey a powerful message to the community, to link the negative effects of litter to the heart of our lives; our home,” he said.
Community groups wanting to showcase the Our Home sculpture along the Werribee River and other waterways in Wyndham can contact the Wyndham Litter Warriors on 9394 8385, Love Our Streets on 0433 559 530 or Beach Patrol 3030 at www.beachpatrol.com.au/beach-groups/3030/42.