Pregnant woman’s building woes

A truck parked across the woman's driveway. Photo: supplied

A pregnant woman says she is suffering from “major stress” due to construction workers and tradespeople who she claims flout noise restrictions, litter and illegally park trucks across her Point Cook driveway.

The woman, who asked not to be named, is eight months pregnant and said she has “severe issues with construction workers and tradies doing the wrong thing in my street”.

“This has been ongoing since I moved in just over four weeks ago and has caused me major stress and sleep disturbance,” she said.

“The workers start as early as 5.30am with construction noise and profanity-filled music as well as them swearing,” she said.

“They work up until 11.30 at night.

“They have left rubbish over the entire street, including my front nature strip and garden.”

The woman said she was particularly concerned about trucks being parked across her driveway.

“Every time I have to go to a maternity appointment I stress if I’ll be able to get out of my driveway without having to have another argument with the workers.”

The woman said she had contacted building companies, police and Wyndham council about the problems.

“The police told me to contact EPA, EPA told me to contact the council, the council told me it was a civil matter and to contact Metricon,” she said.

Wyndham’s city operations director Stephen Thorpe said it was “completely understandable” for the resident to be concerned.

“We take complaints of this nature very seriously and have since assigned a parking officer to regularly inspect Dodson Drive to ensure access to the street or residents’ driveways are not being blocked,” he said.

He said the council had issued one builder in the street with an infringement notice for littering, and had issued a formal warning for using machinery outside of allowed hours.

He said that the council would also investigate trucks blocking the street.

Star Weekly has contacted Metricon for comment.