Rainbow warriors fight phobias

Wyndham council’s Eilis Hughes and Bob Fairclough with Michael Young. Picture: Damjan Janevski

Wyndham will take a stand against phobias of all kinds in its annual International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia observance on May 16.

The council and Wyndham Rainbow Neighbours are inviting members and allies of the LGBTI (lesbian gay bisexual transexual and intersex) community to raise the rainbow flag in celebration of the diverse community.

Victoria’s gender and sexuality commissioner Rowena Allen will lead a workshop about the role of local government in reducing phobias and creating safe workplaces.

Wyndham Rainbow Neighbours president Michael Young said the day was about taking a stand against phobias.

“There is the phobia when one has a phobia of another, but then there are also internal phobias when somebody is afraid to come out,” he said.

The flag ceremony begins at 10am at council’s civic centre.

The workshop starts at 11am. Click here to RSVP.