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City waits for decision on councillor Intaj Khan

Wyndham council will not consider taking action against councillor Intaj Khan until the Local Government Inspectorate has finished investigating a complaint made against him. As...

Werribee disability service Mambourin honoured

Disability support group Mambourin has won one of Australia’s top awards for workplace excellence. Mambourin received an Australian Disability Enterprises Excellence Award earlier this month...

Nancy’s 100th celebrations in Werribee fit for a queen

Nancy Walsh has achieved a lot in her 100 years, but she lists her greatest achievement as being chosen to serve the Queen during...

Laughter and love flows in Werribee foster family

Alice de Zwart-Slamani enjoys opening her family home to teenagers in need of love and support. For the past three years, the Werribee mum-of-three has...

‘Misuse’ claims on Wyndham councillor Intaj Khan

A Wyndham councillor may be investigated over claims he has misused his position. A Wyndham resident has lodged a complaint with the Local Government Inspectorate...

Youth jobless drops in west by almost 3%

Melbourne’s west has bucked the youth unemployment trend by recording a drop of almost 3 per cent. Australia Bureau of Statistics figures show youth unemployment...

Robberies and violence cap Wyndham crime rise

Robberies have soared more than 70 per cent in Wyndham, with significant increases in assaults and car theft also driving an overall 7 per...

Wyndham Vale’s $1b Harpley estate a ‘suburb of the future’

A new $1 billion development at Wyndham Vale is being hailed as part of a “suburb of the future” by Planning Minister Matthew Guy. Mr...

Gemma Kenessy makes grade at World Mountain Running Championships

While pupils at Iramoo Primary School are counting down to the school holidays, grade 4 teacher Gemma Kenessy is preparing to run up Tuscany’s...

Tarneit parents fight for cystic fibrosis drug to help son

A Tarneit family has launched a petition urging the federal government to make a new drug designed to prolong the lives of about 200...

Wyndham: Overall crime rise 7.2 per cent, but drug offences down

Overall crime rose by 7.2 per cent in Wyndham for 2013-14. Victoria Police figures, released on Wednesday, show that there was a massive increase in...

Have your say on the buses, transport across Wyndham

Wyndham residents have been encouraged to have their say on the provision of bus services in the municipality at a series of community information...

Thank you, our Meals on Wheels heroes

A group of volunteers who help deliver meals to homeless and impoverished people are being recognised for their hard work. Wyndham council is acknowledging the...

Have your say on Wyndham bus services

Wyndham residents can have a say on how the city’s bus services can be improved. A series of community meetings next week, organised by Public...

Chirnside Park: Wyndham council cash to tackle flaws

Chirnside Park will finally be redeveloped, with Wyndham council committing $5.5  million to the project as part of its next two budgets. On Monday, councillors...


Campfire warning ahead of long weekend

Victoria’s fire and land management agencies are urging campers and those on holiday to prioritise campfire safety ahead of the upcoming long weekend. Since 1...