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Local CFA stalwart receives Fire Service Medal

A Hoppers Crossing resident who has devoted more than 50 years of his life to fighting fires across the state has been given the ultimate...

‘Sir Les, a knight of the right order

He might not be able to officially use the title “sir”, but Les Twentyman has been knighted in a unique fashion. The prominent youth worker...

Help on hand for veterans of recent conflicts

Honour the dead, but fight like hell for the living. It’s the motto of the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia, and one that the Melbourne...

Simple planting creates a backyard sanctuary

Joe Perri’s passion is nature … so much so that he has transformed the backyard of his Point Cook home into a sanctuary for...

Research to improve diabetes care for gay men

A Victoria University researcher is conducting Australia’s first study of gay men with type 2 diabetes. Edwin Pascoe, who is also a diabetes educator at...

Spans bring Sneydes Road relief closer

Construction of a $45 million Sneydes Road interchange project has reached a milestone with 70 bridge beams having been lifted and positioned above the Princes...

Freebie for put-upon V/Line commuters

Wyndham commuters are enjoying free V/Line trips this week following last week’s widespread train cancellations. Buses replaced a number of trains along the Geelong line and...

Dream to educate fellow Cambodians comes true

Ravy Leang-Slattery contracted polio while growing up in the poverty-stricken village of Ansaong. In 2010, the Cambodian national was attending a disability conference in Phnom...

Blessed are the Vietnamese cheesemakers

A contingent of Vietnamese cheesemakers had a wheely good time last week learning the secrets behind making fromage. The six flew in from Vietnam to...

SES busy after torrential rain hits Wyndham

Wyndham’s State Emergency Service (SES) was called out to 64 properties overnight when torrential rain hit Wyndham. SES crews worked through the night after heavy...

Show us your school pics

Uniform? Check. School bag? Check. Lunch packed? Check. Parents across Wyndham will perform the time-honoured routine this week and next as thousands of children start...

Tough steps on the gruelling road to recovery

When Nathan Urquhart’s left leg was crushed at work by a tree stump grinder, he faced a tough decision – have his leg taken...

Classroom shortage in Wyndham

Wyndham is the fastest-growing municipality in the state but doesn’t have educational infrastructure to meet demand, an analysis by the Grattan Institute has found. More...

Council cracks down on illegal building works

About 1200 Wyndham businesses and residents have been served show-cause notices for illegal building works in the past five years. Wyndham council statistics show 4212...

Council’s bin checking your waste

Wyndham council is inspecting green waste bins throughout the city to ensure residents are recycling correctly. The council has conducted about 160 random inspections of...


Engineered stone safety measures

Stonemasons and construction industries are adapting to the recent ban on engineered stone – with advice and guidance to more than 1,100 operators across...

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