Digital tech start-ups, entrepreneurs and start-ups creating innovative solutions for the priority sectors of health, education, professional and technical services, manufacturing, logistics, construction, visitor economy and agribusiness are being encouraged to submit an expression of interest to Wyndham council’s innovation hub, SPARK.
SPARK is a council initiative established to support and mentor selected businesses in a collaborative, vibrant environment, to scale-up their concepts and products to commercialisation.
Last year, 15 entrepreneurs were offered a place and started their 12-month SPARK residency program in April 2022.
SPARK member businesses vary from software, application and hardware developers, specialists in design, robotics, data analytics, search engine optimisation (SEO), virtual and augmented reality, user and metaverse interfaces.
The sectors their products and services support range from education, construction, freight and logistics, retail, agriculture, sport and recreation, environmental sustainability, wellbeing, accommodation, professional services, legal, cybersecurity, medical, emergency services and aged care.
Wyndham councillor Mia Shaw, said council was committed to supporting digital tech start-ups and entrepreneurial business ideas that support the local economy and create employment opportunities.
Businesses who become SPARK members (following a successful EOI process) will have access to business training, mentoring opportunities, relevant state and federal government services, key industry organisations and a dedicated Council officer who will be available to provide support and advice.
“I would encourage business who fit the relevant profile to submit an EOI to take advantage of this exciting opportunity,” Cr Shaw said.
Successful applicants are offered a 12-month member’s residency period, with an option of a further 12-month period at the discretion of council.
The EOI period is now open and closes on June 23.
Details: www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/sparkhub or spark@wyndham.vic.gov.au