New parks for Wyndham and Melton.


Cade Lucas

Over 500 hectares of new parkland will be added to Melbourne’s outer-west and north-west in plans released by the state government on Wednesday.

Werribee Township park in Wyndham and the Kororoit Creek Reserve in Melton are among the 6500 hectares of new green space being created under the government’s Suburban Parks Program.

“These parks will become an important place for the community to meet and enjoy nature as well as provide critical habitat for many native wildlife species” said Environment Minister Ingrid Stitt.

Werribee Township park will run along the banks of the Werribee River and join up with Presidents Park to provide continuous parkland through to Wyndham Vale.

Plans for an expansion and new facilities at Toolern Creek and Werribee River Regional Parks, were also released.

Kororoit Creek Park is situated between Deer Park and Melton and will connect and enable easy access to growing suburbs nearby.

Consultations will be held with Traditional Owners and local councils to make sure the parks meet the needs of growing communities and preserve and enhance natural and cultural heritage.

Park plans and more information can be found at: