New LGBTQIA+ advisory committee


A new advisory group will take charge of decision making regarding inclusiveness surrounding LGBTIQA+ Victorians living with disability.

Equality Minister Harriet Shing joined JOY Radio on July 6 to announce the LGBTIQA+ Disability Inclusion Expert Advisory Group will work to identify more inclusive policies that recognise a person’s diverse identities and lived experiences.

“We know that within Victoria’s diverse communities, LGBTIQA+ people with disability often face additional lifelong barriers, exclusion, and discrimination. This is something we are determined to change,” she said.

“The advisory group will ensure that the priorities and lived experience of LGBTIQA+ people with disability are at the centre of our work – which is exactly as it should be.”

The group will consist of seven members who will work together to advise the government on policies to improve the well-being for LGBTIQA+ people living with disability.

Acting Disability Minister Ros Spence spoke about how this group will give a voice to a plethora of people.

“This new LGBTIQA+ disability advisory group will strengthen the diversity of voices advocating for people living with disability in our community and complements and contributes to the work of the Victorian Disability Advisory Council,” she said.

The group will work with LGBTIQA+ Health and Wellbeing and Justice working groups and work closely with the Victorian Disability Advisory Council to make sure that the needs of LGBTIQA+ Victorians’ are put first.

The group will aim to provide greater visibility to LGBTIQA+ people with disabilities and their voice and lived experience will make the biggest contribution for better outcomes for all involved.