New kinder places and facilities for Wyndham

Cade Lucas

Wyndham will receive a much needed boost in kindergarten places thanks to two new facilities announced for Hoppers Crossing and Point Cook this week.

The former Mossfiel Kindergarten and Hoppers Crossing Children’s Centre will be replaced by an Intergrated Family Centre (IFC), while the Jamieson Way Kindergarten in Point Cook will undergo a $2.75 million redevelopment.

Both projects are part of the $47 million Building Blocks Partnership between the state government and Wyndham council that aims to create 3600 kindergarten places in 17 centres across the municipality by 2029.

Early Childhood and Pre-Prep Minister Ingrid Stitt said the two new centres will help achieve that goal.

“These projects will deliver more than 120 new kindergarten places in Wyndham, increasing access for families and helping more children get the best start in life.”

The bulk of those places will be provided at the Mossfiel IFC which will have room for 83 children across three kindergarten rooms and a large outdoor play space.

Wyndham councillor Josh Gilligan said the new facility would provide a full range of early childhood services under one roof.

“This $4.5 million project will replace two ageing early years centres with a new purpose-built facility that integrates kindergarten, maternal and child health and playgroups at the former Hoppers Crossing Children’s Centre site.”

The new building will be delivered by the Victorian School Building Authority in the form of a modular structure that will be constructed off site in separate sections.

The sections will then will be transported to Mossfiel Reserve where they will be assembled onsite and connected to utilities.

The previous Mossfiel facility has already been demolished and the new IFC is expected to start accepting three and four-year-olds to kinder classes in February 2024.

The upgrade of the Jameison Avenue Kindergarten will result in its expansion to three rooms, allowing for 40 extra children to attend daily.

Point Cook MP Mathew Hilakari welcomed the development.

“As Point Cook grows, we’re providing more kinder places to give our youngest learners an inspiring place to start their education journey , building a place to learn and thrive in the local community.”