New ceramics shed gets a kiln coup

Master ceramicist Leon Frankcon. Photo by Damjan Janevski.

A generous donation has spawned the creation of a new ceramics studio at Wyndham Park Community Shed.

When ceramic enthusiast Leon Frankcon downsized from his Williamstown home to Heathglen Retirement Village, he donated his extensive collection of pottery tools, including a ceramics wheel and kiln, to the nearby community shed, which led to the construction of a purpose-built ceramics studio.

Mr Frankcon, a former teacher and principal, will go back to the classroom and run intensive six-week ceramic classes for beginners.

The space will also be made available to experienced potters or graduates seeking a work space and equipment.

Mr Frankcon said there was more to ceramics than just bowls and vases. He has moulded clay to create decorative tiles, mandalas and multi-media art pieces.

The first course will start on June 4 and run from 9am-2pm on Mondays and Wednesdays.

The cost is $80 for new members and $65 for community shed members. Details: 8742 6448.