Nature strip cop call-up

Cr Mia Shaw. (File photo)

A Wyndham councillor is keen to see the nature strip police out in force in a bid to beautify residential streets.

Speaking about the council’s new road management plan last week, councillor Mia Shaw called on residents to take pride in their front nature strips, warning that derelict properties could attract inspections by council officers.

“Taking pride in our city and our nature strips is an important priority for me,” she said.

“Residents are responsible for maintaining their nature strips, which may include mowing, weeding and litter control.

“Nature strips are an important part of our urban environment and the appeal of our local residential streets.

“They can also add to property values … many residents already look after our nature strips and do so with great pride. Unfortunately, there are some residents that do not.

“I am taking a particular interest in this over the next four years, and have had residents already contact me since being elected about the state of some nature strips.

“It’s important residents are aware that these incidents may be followed up by council officers.”

Nature strip maintenance is one of the topics covered within the council’s new road management plan, which covers the inspection, maintenance and repair of roads and road-related infrastructure in Wyndham.

The updated plan, which is out for consultation, proposes a range of changes, including:

•Improved maintenance action times for asphalt surface defects, unsealed shoulders along main and collector roads, warning sign repairs and emergency road cleaning;

•Increased compliance inspections for main roads and street trees hanging over power lines.;

•More frequent inspections for road surface defects and road-related signage; and

•The addition of condition inspections for council-owned public lighting.

The updated roads management plan is out for public consultation until May 4.