My Place: Elise Gitau

Elise Gitau. (Damjan Janevski). 228166_05

Thirteen-year-old Elise Gitau has been named as the One Wyndham recipient for February. One Wyndham recipients are residents aged between 12 and 25 years old who positively contribute to the area. Wyndham mayor Peter Maynard described Elise, who is also a Miss Teen Australia International pageant Victoria finalist, as “an outstanding community role model who goes above and beyond to help others”.

Elise held a Kenyan-themed day of beauty on January 22 with food, activities and entertainment, with the proceeds going to Make-A-Wish Australia.

Elise talks to Alesha Capone.

How do you feel to receive the One Wyndham award?

I feel absolutely humbled and very much recognised by the community, I feel very thankful.

What do you like about Wyndham?

I have grown up in Wyndham, I have always had a feeling of family and strong feeling of community here. Some of the libraries have seen me grow up through childhood.

What do you enjoy about volunteering?

I like how you can find a way to help people and see the changes in their lives, as you help them. With something like fundraising for Make-A-Wish Australia, you always get to do fun things. When you see posts, on social media or websites from these organisations about the different activities they do with children, knowing I have contributed to them enjoying themselves and such core memories in their lives, is wonderful.

You also do a lot of volunteering within the Kenyan community?

I’m Kenyan, and I’ve grown up in the Kenyan community of Victoria and it’s like a big family. A few months ago, I started The Book Project. I believe there are so many places around the world, especially in the third world, where there are so many kids with pure talent but no-one to nurture or provide for them. My way is to help is through education, I can’t help with everything … I help by sending books over, such as to help them learn English. The books I send have lots of different topics, such as looking and mechanics, to help them learn. I always wanted to start a foundation. In the Kenya Community Victoria, my aunts and uncles who I have been working with for a while have helped me.

As well, you love acting and want to pursue this as a career?

I started gymnastics at age three, being on a stage for that is very similar to acting for me, you can play anything, convey any kind of emotion. It’s a way of letting emotions go, like dance. I found acting when I did an audition for the actor Adrian R’Mante and I got a call-back. I study drama at school.

What did you like about participating in the 2021 Western Bulldog GOAL mentorship and leadership program?

The experience was amazing and I loved being part of it. There were young people from all different backgrounds, such as Sudan, Congo, Kenya, we all had a similar lifestyle or were brought up as African-Australians. We learned about different sports and I also loved the chance to sit down and talk seriously about our plans for the future and our fears, that kind of thing.

Would you like to add anything else?

I’d like to thank Wyndham council for the One Wyndham award and the Kenyan community for all of the help and support they have given me. I’d also like to thank the directors of the Australian international pageant for the support and assistance, in the last 18 months.

The Miss Teen Australia International finals will be held on February 19 in Sydney.

One Wyndham awards are given out every month. Details: