Wyndham resident Geetanjali (Geet) Gaba is the president of the Australian Multicultural Womens Association, she chats to Fatima Halloum about the importance of helping the community.
What do you love the most about where you live?
I love the multicultural community in our area. Wyndham has a wonderful multicultural community which gives exposure to learn different cultures. Women in Wyndham are really coming forward to run small businesses and promoting their community, which I like the most.
The most loveable thing about Wyndham is that everything is so approachable .
Why is it important to you to help the community?
Helping the community is my passion. I feel it’s important to help the community selflessly,
it gives me satisfaction and peace of mind. Helping the community is thought to be one of the ways that people create, maintain, and strengthen their social connections and iit creates a sense of belonging.
What do you think makes Wyndham a unique place to live?
Wyndham is an exciting place to work, where everyone is given the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of our community. Everything is easily accessible. There are a range of educational, social, cultural, recreational activities and facilities in Wyndham which makes Wyndham attractive and liveable .
Where is your favourite local place to visit?
Werribee park, Werribee River and Wyndham Harbour.
What would you change about where you live?
more exposure for women
more job opportunities for locals
easy access to reach government authorised for locals
parking in schools really needs to be changed as it’s very unorganised and unsupervised and parents do struggle.