Mossfiel gets a makeover

Wyndham Cr Peter Maynard. Photo: Damjan Janevski

By Alesha Capone

An $11 million redevelopment of Mossfiel Reserve in Hoppers Crossing is set to finish later this year.

Construction is under way on the final features of the Mossfiel Reserve master plan, with the sport fields, landscaping and playground on track for completion in July.

A new netball pavilion is scheduled to be finished by early August.

Minor works to turn an informal carpark near the skate park into a dedicated 30-space carpark will be carried out throughout August and September.

The redevelopment project has been funded by Wyndham council, with $1.8 million from the state government’s Growing Suburbs Fund.

Wyndham’s sports development portfolio holder, Cr Peter Maynard, said the redevelopment would transform Mossfiel Reserve into a “state-of-the-art sporting facility” with multi-use sporting fields for rugby, cricket and netball, new lighting, barbecues and shelters, footpaths and trees.

“Two community pavilions will be built on the site for use by both tenant sporting clubs and community groups,” Cr Maynard said.

“The first is already open for hire and the second is really starting to take shape as construction progresses.”
