More than $37 million seized from criminals in 12 months

The state government is celebrating Victoria Police’s “record haul” seizure worth $37.3 million in cash and property in the last 12 months.

“[It] highlights the effectiveness of seizures in combating organized, profit-motivated crime,” the government said.

According to the government, the state’s Asset Confiscation Scheme (ACS) has operated since 1998 with the Victoria Police Criminal Proceeds Squad working across government to “remove assets and unexplained wealth from criminals, particularly those linked to organised crime syndicates”.

“By working with Victoria Police, the Office of Public Prosecutions and Asset Confiscation Operations at the Department of Justice and Community Safety, the Asset Confiscation Scheme helps to dismantle organised crime networks, reduce criminal profitability and provide an avenue for victim compensation,” the government said.

“In 2021-22 the scheme seized real estate, luxury cars, designer goods, cash and bank accounts. This included $27.7 million in cash; real estate worth $6.4 million; funds in bank accounts worth $830,000 and confiscated vehicles worth $770,000.

“The confiscations show the impact of the ACS in disrupting criminal activity, ensuring that crime does not pay.”

Police Minister Anthony Carbines said tip-offs and calls to Crime Stoppers played a significant role in tackling crime syndicates.

“These record seizures have hit criminal gangs where it hurts – the hip pocket – which reduces the incentive for people to engage in illegal and dangerous activities,” he said.