More paramedics deployed to ease demands


New paramedics will hit the road across Melbourne as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to break records for ambulance demand.

Ambulance Victoria said they recruited 700 paramedics in 2021 and more are on their way.

“The Victorian Government’s $35 million boost early this year has fast-tracked the recruitment of another 120 paramedics, who will all start their inductions with Ambulance Victoria in May,” Ambulance Victoria metro regional director Michael Georgiou said.

In Wyndham there was a 30.8 per cent increase in Code 1 caseload from the same time last year.

Data from Ambulance Victoria suggests performance is improving with paramedics attending 69.1 per cent of Code 1 patients in the Wyndham within 15 minutes compared with 63.5 per cent in the previous quarter.

Cases in Wyndham make up 3.52 per cent of the state-wide Code 1 demand – the fifth busiest LGA in Victoria.

“While ambulances are always provided to patients when required, about one in five calls to triple zero (000) do not need an emergency ambulance response,” Mr Georgiou said.

“GPs and pharmacists can provide non-urgent care and Nurse-On-Call (1300 60 60 24) offers free medical advice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, if your condition is not life-threatening.

“Some people hesitate to call 000 because they’re not sure if their situation is an emergency. If in doubt, always call triple zero (000) and the trained call taker will help and direct you.”