More defibrillators for Wyndham

Wyndham councillor Susan McIntyre (right) with a council staffer and one of the new defibrillators being installed in council facilities. (supplied) 391867_01

Defibrillators will soon be a feature of Wyndham council facilities with more than 20 being installed this month.

The defibrillators are used to help people survive sudden cardiac arrest by delivering an

electrical pulse that aims to restart the heart.

They will be located at community centres, libraries, Encore Events Centre, Wyndham

Cultural Centre and the Refuse Disposal Facility.

Wyndham councillor Susan McIntyre said the devices would help save lives in the event of a cardiac arrest.

“The suddenness of a heart attack can mean that assistance needs to be provided even if

emergency services have been called or on their way, and in these instances a defibrillator

could make all the difference in saving a life.”

The Social Health Atlases of Australia shows a higher than average incidence of death from

heart disease in Wyndham at 136.4 per cent when compared to Greater Melbourne at 87 per

cent and Australia at 100 per cent.

With heart attacks so common, Cr McIntyre urged residents to be alert to signs of one taking place.

“We commonly associate a heart attack with chest pain, however there are other symptoms

that we should also be aware off. If you are at risk of a heart attack it is best to seek

information from your doctor.”

Heart disease is the broad term for conditions that affect the structure and function of the

heart muscle. It includes coronary heart disease, heart failure, valve disease and


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