Micro Business

Micro Business Award winner STEM Birds. (Supplied)


STEM Birds is a leading educational organisation dedicated to fostering a love of science, technology, engineering, and

mathematics among young people.

It began in 2017 with founder and director Shalaka Ekbote’s vision to make STEM education accessible and engaging for all primary and secondary students, regardless of their background or location.

Her passion for empowering children with essential 21stcentury skills has seen STEM Birds grow into a diverse range of programs and courses designed to inspire creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities.

STEM Birds now has 13 locations across Melbourne, including classes in two primary schools in the Wyndham area. It has also expanded to Adelaide, and offers online coding classes for students all over Australia.

What sets STEM Birds apart is its innovative approach to learning, which combines cutting-edge technology with experiential teaching methods. It prioritises hands-on activities, real-world projects, and collaborative learning

experiences to ensure that students not only acquire knowledge but also develop vital skills that will serve them well in the future.

STEM Birds is committed to empowering students to become confident, creative, and capable individuals who are well-equipped to thrive in an increasingly technology-driven world.

What the judges said:

“Shalaka’s passion for what she does is infectious. She’s extremely enthusiastic about educating the next generation of STEM workers, and in equipping as many five- to 15-year-olds as possible with the skills they’ll need to flourish and thrive in a wide range of industries in the future. Students are supplied with laptop computers and access to robots to make

courses more affordable for parents. And STEM Birds also provides rentals to schools or the August science week and gives to the community through the robotics library. There’s a strong focus on encouraging young girls into STEM, which poses clear benefits for both them and the broader community.“