The Rotary Clubs of Hoppers Crossing, Werribee and Wyndham Harbour will host their inaugural Men’s Health Forum next week, in an effort to reduce the stigma around the topic and the reluctance of many males to seek help.
The free event featuring three guest speakers, and an
interactive questions and answer session will take place at the Werribee Football Club at 6.45 p.m on Wednesday October 25.
President of Hoppers Crossing Rotary Club, Karyn Vine, was matter of fact when asked why the forum was needed.
“Mens health doesn’t get the same focus maybe that other topics do,” said Ms Vine who’s noticed the difference between how she and the men in her life approach their health.
“Men tend to be the ones that never go to the doctor, they go she’ll be right.
Us girls, we’re more likely to organise our own as well as our families doctors appointments.”
Ms Vine said the forum would address both physical and mental health issues and was aimed at getting men to at least consider getting help if they notice something wrong.
And while the forum was targetted at the opposite sex, Ms Vine said there was plenty in it for women too.
“Women are more than welcome to come along it’s not intended to be men only. Mens health is important to all of us.”
It’s hoped the forum will become an annual event.
A complimentary supper will be provided for patrons afterwards and those considering attending are encouraged to register by October 20 at: www.trybooking.com/CLTOD.