Meditation a ‘big discovery’

Meditation teacher and practitioner Ananya Tomar. (Damjan Janevski) 316777_05

For Ananya Tomar, her ultimate goal as a meditation teacher is to create an uplifting atmosphere.

Starting February 25, Ms Tomar will host free Raja Yoga Meditation sessions for Wyndham residents.

Ms Tomar says her personal aim is that one person understands and starts practicing meditation.

“Meditation is like a big discovery,” she said.

“I was spending my life really exhausted by changing things outside, changing my health outside and my finances, and it was like a big reveal, all the change happened from within.

“I train them to think positive, and think empowering first, while opening their eyes. It’s a very practical transformation that we teach.”

Ms Tomar, who works in the environmental sciences and sustainability sector, says the zoom classes are designed so that anyone can join, whether they’re at the office or at home with their kids shouting.

“You can do this anywhere, any time, that’s the whole idea,” she said.

“It’s not difficult, everyone can do it, doesn’t matter your background, muslim, jewish and christians [join the classes].”

The sessions will be held on Saturday and Sunday from 6.30-8pm.
