Lunch with a Bunch ends

Volunteers and clients commemorate the last 'Lunch with a Bunch' run by council (Ljubica Vrankovic) 448210_02

The Lunch with a Bunch program run by Wyndham council came to an end on Tuesday, December 10, with the program’s volunteers and clients imploring the council to reinstate it.

The program was a social lunch group for older residents, aiming to encourage independence and reduce social isolation.

Volunteer Margaret Bennett said the weekly event was the only social event many participants had.

“This is the only occasion that 80 per cent of the clients would be out of the house for two hours,” she said.

“They are not going to have a social life.”

A council spokesperson said the federal government has appointed Mecwacare and Australian Vietnamese Women’s Association (AVWA) to take over the delivery of social support and planned activity groups from January 1.

“Council is currently in negotiations with both providers to enable them to deliver activities from the same venues that residents are currently attending and at the same times,” the spokesperson said.

“Clients who would like to continue to access programs at the current location they attend may still be able to do so.”

Ms Bennett said volunteers are trying to keep the current social group intact, but will struggle without council support.

“We have to pick and choose who we pick up from month to another- there’s no option for a car or buses from the council,” she said.

An AVWA spokesperson said the organisation is excited to collaborate with council to ensure a seamless transition by offering like-for-like services at the same venue and will try and retain as many Wyndham staff where possible.

A Mecwacare spokerson said it will work closely with clients to address any concerns and ensure they continue to receive the care they need.

Jaidyn Kennedy