Love Your Local Launches

Photo by Mike Petrucci on Unsplash

Jaidyn Kennedy

Wyndham council has released its new ‘Love Your Local’ campaign, encouraging residents and businesses to buy locally.

The city-wide campaign will include opportunities for businesses to get involved, with events, marketing assets and opportunities to connect with suppliers.

Wyndham mayor Jennie Barrera said the campaign would bring awareness and support to Wyndham businesses.

“During the pandemic, we saw our community rally behind our local businesses and the Love Your Local campaign provides an opportunity to build on that support,” Cr Barrera said.

“Whether you’re purchasing a gift, dining out with your family or sourcing a local supplier for your business – that money stays local, circulating within the community, supporting local jobs and boosting our economy.”

According to the council, $67 out of every $100 spent at a local business stays in Wyndham, compared to $4 from spending at non-Wyndham or online businesses.

Councillor Mia Shaw encourages residents to track the campaign online.

“Keep an eye out for the Love Your Local campaign online and in your favourite shopping precincts and, if you’ve got a favourite business, help spread the word on social media using #LoveLocalWyndham”, Cr Shaw said.

Council said that shopping in Wyndham will also help keep jobs in the area, reduce environmental harm and keep the community unique with a diverse range of businesses.
