Tonne of trash collected at river spot since July

Volunteers Robert Marks and Robert Bradley with some of the rubbish they picked up. Picture: Damjan Janevski

A clean-up of Bungey’s Hole on the Werribee River last week uncovered a whopping 240 kilograms of rubbish.

More than 20 volunteers from the Beach Patrol 3030 network cleaned up the site and were disappointed with the sheer volume of litter they came across.

Group co-ordinator Robert Bradley said he was concerned that litter going into the river and bay would impact badly on flora and fauna.

“We have platypuses and other animals in the region,” he said.

“The excess plastic found can only have a negative effect on them.”

Volunteer John Marks said the watering hole was a picturesque spot, and was once used for sports before pollution spoiled it.

“These days, water quality is a deterrent to swimming. Litter left in the streets eventually finds its way to the river,” he said. “The hole receives stormwater from a huge drain, which services much of the south end of Werribee.

“Litter also accumulates from river flow upstream.”

Among the rubbish the group collected was 100 glass bottles, 227 plastic bottles, 30 aerosol cans, four shipping pellets, and 178 aluminium cans. A skateboard, a man’s wallet and a car numberplate were also found.

Mr Bradley said it was important for residents to be more conscious of how they dispose of their rubbish.

“Recycle what you can and make sure any other rubbish is disposed of properly by putting it in the bin.”

The group’s November 8 clean-up brings the total weight of rubbish collected since July to 985 kilograms, almost a tonne.