Kits for safer birthing

Wyndham Harbour Rotary Club members at the birthing kit assembly day on May 13. (supplied).

Giving birth can be a stressful experience, with everything from the health of mother and baby, through to getting to the hospital on time, weighing on the minds of all involved.

But at least in countries like Australia expectant mothers know that all equipment needed to ensure a safe birth is waiting for them at the maternity ward.

In many other parts of the world this isn’t the case, which is why the Wyndham Harbour Rotary Club recently stepped in to help with its annual birth kit assembly day.

Held on May 13 to coincide with mother’s day and in conjunction with Birthing Kit Foundation Australia, club members assembled 400 birthing kits, each containing a plastic sheet, gauze, scalpel blades, a cloth cord and soap.

Project leader Mamode Osikoya explained why these kits were needed.

“In some of these countries they expect you to come with these things to have your baby.”

The kits are now in the process of being shipped to where they’re needed.

“Sometimes to some countries in Africa, sometimes to Pakistan or the Philippines, it depends where the request comes from,” said Ms Osikoya of where the kits often end up, something they usually don’t find out until afterwards.

“One we organised last year was sent to Uganda and we have photos of them being handed to mothers during antenatal” she said.

Wyndham Harbour Rotary is fundraising to provide more birthing kits and donations can be made at

Cade Lucas