Keeping kids safe


Kidsafe Victoria has launched a new safety campaign in a bid to reduce the number of driveway run-over incidents, including in Wyndham.

On average, seven children aged 0-14 years are killed and 60 are seriously injured due to driveway run-over incidents every year in Australia, which is more than one child every week.

In the past 18 months alone, at least two children have been killed in driveway run-over incidents in Victoria.

A large number of run-over incidents occur in the morning and late afternoon – times when families are leaving for or returning from school, kindergarten and work.

The launch of the campaign, which is supported by the Transport Accident Commission, coincides with the busy back-to-school period, providing a call for motorists to be extra vigilant in and around driveways, car parks and roads.

Melanie Courtney, Kidsafe Victoria chief executive, highlighted the dangers that driveways pose for children, saying their unpredictability, and the large blind spots in vehicles, placed them at increased risk.

“Children under five years of age are most at risk – they are unpredictable, surprisingly quick and may follow you to the driveway to see what you are doing or say goodbye.”

“All vehicles have a large blind spot -some extending back as far as 15 metres – which can make it difficult for the driver to see a child. Even with reversing sensors or cameras, a child may not be noticed until it is too late”, said Ms Courtney.

The campaign focuses on three measures that can be put in place to keep children safe around driveways:

*Supervise – always supervise children in and around the driveway. Hold their hand or hold them close to keep them safe.

*Separate – separate play areas from driveways and garages where possible. This can include fitting high handles to garage doors, installing fences to separate the house and garden from the driveway, and installing self-closing doors and gates.

*See – all vehicles have a large blind spot behind them, some extending back as far as 15 metres. Reversing sensors and cameras can assist with reducing blind spots, however, they should never be relied upon to keep kids safe. It’s a good idea for drivers to get into the habit of walking around their vehicle before getting into it when leaving an area where a young child is present.

As part of the campaign, driveway safety messages will be delivered via a new video, a range of educational materials, a social media campaign, public advertising and radio community service announcements.