Hundreds of energy related fines delivered in 2021


Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) is encouraging Wyndham businesses to ensure they are up to date with energy-related safety measures.

New data has revealed ESV prosecuted or fined almost 250 people involved in energy-related incidents over the past 12 months.

ESV is responsible for ensuring compliance with and enforcing the energy safety laws, regulating major electricity, gas and pipeline companies, investigating gas and electrical safety incidents, licensing electrical workers, ensuring electrical and gas appliances are safe and educating the community about energy safety.

Between 1 January and 31 December 2021, ESV completed more than 20 prosecutions and issued 223 infringement notices.

ESV Commissioner and Chairperson Marnie Williams said: “ESV will find individuals and companies who believe they can cut corners and put people’s lives at risk by carrying out poor or illegal electrical and gas work.

“We are focused on ensuring lawbreakers are held accountable to ensure all Victorians are safe.

“Victorians can contact ESV for information or advice on the delivery of energy-related work or suspected illegal behaviour.”