How safe is your home?


Residents in Wyndham can now know just how safe their homes are thanks to a reality app developed by RACV and Neighbourhood Watch.

How Safe is My Place works by asking a series of questions, just like in the game of ‘I-Spy’, it’ll then determine just how safe your home is from burglary and what you can do to improve overall security.

Neighbourhood Watch CEO Bambi Gordon said a home is burgled every 20 minutes in Victoria.

“With the support of RACV, our new app will help you assess how safe you are, identify risks and get you thinking about easy things you can do which have a significant impact on how secure you feel,” Ms. Gordon said.

“If you think home security is a boring topic, you are in for a surprise. You can now visit a virtual home to discover ways to secure your property. The app is fun, interactive, and a family-friendly initiative designed to help make your home safer.

“In addition to using the How Safe is My Place app, introducing yourself to neighbours and exchanging contact details, or joining or establishing a Neighbourhood Watch group can all make a difference.”
