Helping more kids play sport


The state government has invested an extra $6 million to extend the Get Active Kids Voucher Program to help more kids join in on the fun and experience the health benefits that sport provides.

Eligible families include those with health care cards or other concession cards and can apply for vouchers of up to $200 per child to help with the upfront costs of memberships, registration fees, uniforms and equipment across a wide range of sporting codes and recreation activities.

From soccer to dance, there are more than 2000 registered sport providers available for families across the state.

Families can apply for the vouchers online before redeeming them at a Get Active Kids Voucher Registered Activity Provider like a local sporting club. The next round of applications will open this Spring – in time for the summer sport season.

The program is open to Victorian children aged up to 18 who are named on a valid Commonwealth Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card and named on a valid Medicare Card at the time of application.

Families are encouraged to subscribe to the email notification to find out when the next round of the vouchers start later this year at