When it comes to donating blood, Wyndham local Graham Becker is the gift that keeps on giving.
After recording 650 combined blood, plasma and platelet donations, Lifeblood is celebrating his Graham’s achievement and encourages others to follow his lead
Graham began donating when he got his driver’s licence 45 years ago and ticked the box to become an organ donor.
“This prompted me to think about what else I could do to help others, and that was the start of my blood donation journey,” he said
H donates plasma at Lifeblood’s Werribee donor centre every two weeks and his donations can be used in 18 different ways, including creating medicines and in treatments for medical conditions including cancer, liver disease and immune deficiencies.
Known affectionately as ‘drainpipes’ for his prolific donations, he said seeing the difference he made inspired him to continue donating.
“I got to witness the cancer patients receiving their treatments as I was led to my chair to donate,” he said.
“Seeing first-hand how my donations were saving lives inspired me to keep donating to help others.”
Lifeblood spokesperson Genevieve Dobson said Graham is an incredible example of someone making a meaningful difference to people who need blood and blood products.
“A nurse challenged Graham to make 1000 donations, and he is well on his way,” she said.
“While this is not possible for everyone, the good news is every single donation counts. We are so grateful for every donor.”
If you are a regular donor, haven’t donated in a while or have been thinking about donating for the first time, book an appointment on 13 14 95.
Book online at lifeblood.com.au or on the DonateBlood app.
Jaidyn Kennedy