Glendale residents say ‘Cin Cin’ at European coffee group

Glendale aged care residents Ida Celeste (left) and Maria Masutti are members of the home's weekly European coffee group. (supplied)

A weekly European coffee group is bringing residents from countries across Europe together

at Glendale aged care in Werribee..

For an hour and a half every Saturday residents from Italy, Malta, Croatia, Germany, Spain

and Argentina living at the home gather with their families in the dining room for

coffee, cake and a chance to connect over their European heritage.

Glendale’s Giovanna Grasso says the aim of the group is to bring residents from different

areas of the home together and says that when they do it’s like one big happy family. Having

shared language and cultural backgrounds means some residents who previously were

reluctant to join group events now eagerly look forward to the gathering every week.

“The residents who come love it; they have such a wonderful time. Some of them can speak

the same language, and some can’t, but when they come together it’s like one big happy

family,” she says.

“Maria, who is 94 and comes from Italy, even waits for me every Saturday to pick her up from

her room and hurries me along so she can get to the group.”

Resident Nicola loves the chance to reminisce on his youth in Italy with people from a similar


“I look forward to the get together so I can tell my stories of when I was young and show

images of Italy to the other residents,” he says.