Get ready for summer heat

Australia Red Cross is urging those across the country, including those in Wyndham, to plan now for upcoming summer heatwaves.

Australian Red Cross emergency services operations co-ordinator Alana Pedler said hotter summers and increasingly frequent and intense heatwaves means putting a plan in place now could ultimately save lives.

“Extremely hot weather can cause serious health problems,” she said.

“In fact, more Australians die as a result of heatwaves than because of floods, bushfires or cyclones.

“Older people, pregnant women, children, those with a disability and people taking medications are among those most at risk.”

Ms Pedler said periods of extreme heat can also cause major disruptions such as electricity cuts, school and workplace closures and public transport disruptions.

“Already this year, we’ve seen large parts of Europe endure record-breaking heatwaves that have tragically led to thousands of deaths,” she said.

“The elderly, isolated and those with medical conditions have been particularly affected.

“That’s why it is so important to put plans in place now, before our own summer heatwaves begin.”

Australia Red Cross’ tips to cope with extreme heat include:

* Drink regularly – water is the best option;

* Eat little and often- rather than large meals, try to eat more cold food, particularly salads and fruit, which contain water;

* Stay indoors;

* Take cool showers and splash yourself with cold water several times a day, particularly your face and the back of your neck;

* Make sure there is sufficient air circulation, either from an air conditioner or by leaving a secured window or door open;

* Find the shade;

* Look out for your neighbours; and

* Download Red Cross’ free first aid app.
