Wyndham council is calling on the community to help shape the municipality’s future by helping to refresh the Wyndham 2040 Community Vision.
Developed in 2016, the vision is an aspirational document that details what the community wants Wyndham to be like in the coming decades, encompassing everything from parks to the arts, education, tourism, the local economy, community services, road projects and more.
Wyndham chief executive Kelly Grigsby that as the area enters a new council term, it was important to review the vision “to ensure that it still reflects the needs of the different places and diverse people which make up Wyndham”.
“The past four years have seen many changes in the way we all live, work and play – particularly due to COVID-19 – and the Wyndham 2040 Community Vision needs to factor in this shift in our lifestyle and values,” Ms Grigsby said.
As part of the refresh, the council is conducting extensive community consultation that includes an online survey and a series of community conversations.
Ms Grigsby said letters would be sent to 30,000 randomly-selected Wyndham residents, inviting them to be part of one of five place-based community conversations, which will be held early next year.
“If you receive a letter in the mail for a community conversation, please consider taking part – this is an important role in helping to shape Wyndham’s future,” she said.
“Regardless of your age, skill or profession, it is important that we all work together to create Wyndham’s future, and the Wyndham 2040 Community Vision and Council Plan are vital to the future success of our city.”
Details: theloop.wyndham.vic.gov.au/help-shape-wyndhams-future