Four Wyndham schools receive free rapid antigen testing


by Tara Murray

Four Wyndham schools are among the first schools to receive free, at-home rapid antigen COVID-19 tests as part of a rollout by the state government.

Westgrove Primary School, Tarneit Rise Primary School, Tarneit P-9 College and Point Cook P-9 College are among the 20 schools which have been affected by recent virus outbreaks to receive the tests this week, before the program is rolled out across Victoria next week.

Taylors Lakes Primary School and the St Albans-based Stevensville Primary school also received the tests on Monday.

At-home rapid antigen tests will be offered to unvaccinated students – primarily those aged under 12 – who are primary close contacts as a result of a positive case at school.

The program will allow students to return to school after seven days of quarantine, rather than 14 days, provided they show a negative test on day six, and then complete negative rapid antigen tests at home each day and return a negative result before school on days eight to 14 of their quarantine period.

The program will run alongside medical trials of rapid antigen testing in school communities, administered by nurses

Education Minister James Merlino said this would make it easier for children who are currently isolating.

“For kids and their families who are excited to get back to school, having to quarantine can be really frustrating – these rapid antigen tests will cut that time and get kids back in the classroom sooner.”

“This is another way we’re making learning as COVIDSafe as possible while keeping schools open.”