Four teens arrested

Werribee police station. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 245679_05

Four Wyndham teenagers have been charged by police after they allegedly fled from the scene of a crash involving a stolen vehicle, in Aberfeldie on Friday.

Police were called after a passer-by observed five females running away from a vehicle that had crashed into a tree on The Boulevard, about 1.45am.

Police quickly responded and arrested five teenagers in a nearby park, with assistance from the Dog Squad.

Police said they believe the vehicle was allegedly stolen during an aggravated burglary at an address in King Street, Essendon earlier that night.

A 16-year-old Werribee girl has been charged with aggravated burglary, theft, theft of motor vehicle, reckless conduct endangering serious injury, commit indictable offence whilst on bail, unlicensed driving and breaching chief health officer directions.

Two 16-year-olds from Werribee and Hoppers Crossing, and two 14-year-olds from Clyde North and Hoppers Crossing, have been charged with theft of motor vehicle, commit indictable offence whilst on bail and breaching chief health officer directions.

Four of the youths have been remanded and one was bailed to appear before a children’s court at a later date.