Food and friendship at weekly lunches

Wyndham Women's Support Group volunteers (from left) Shirani Peiris, Christine Mackaness and Beverly De Silva prepare lunch at Manor Lakes Community Centre. (Ljubica Vrankovic)_415506_01

At a time when loneliness and isolation are becoming more common, a Wyndham community group is striving to bring people together.

For the past two years, the Wyndham Women’s Support Group has been holding lunches every Tuesday during school term at the Manor Lakes Community Centre.

Support group president Tania Kelaart said the community lunch helped women facing different challenges and situations in their lives.

“The women’s group do the cooking but it’s for the whole community and we keep the prices fairly reasonable for that reason.”

A recent decision by Wyndham council to cease funding aged care services at the end of this year has caused concern among elderly residents who rely on council run activities to socialise.

Ms Kelaart said one of the elderly social groups affected by the changes had just started coming to the Tuesday lunches.

“Recently we’ve got in touch with council’s lunch with a bunch and they’ve just started coming.”

While the lunches are open to anyone, Ms Kelaart said the Wyndham Women’s Support Group held other regular meetings that reflected its name.

“We meet as a women’s group on Fridays at Wyndham Park Community Centre and that’s just for women. We also have a sewing group which we run on a Thursday in school term at the Quantin Binnah Community Centre in Werribee,” she said.

“The core of the support group is providing a safe space for diverse women in Wyndham.”


Cade Lucas