Fishing clubs to reel in grants


Fishing is a popular pastime in Wyndham, with a range of fish species on offer across wide variety of salt and freshwater locations.

As a result, the municipality to is home to numerous angling clubs and associations too, all of whom are now eligible for grants of up to $10,000 with opening of the state government’s Stronger Fishing Clubs Grant program yesterday.

The $1.2 million program is aimed at increasing angling club membership and to promoting participation in recreational fishing.

Clubs with plans to attract women, multicultural groups, First Nations and disabled peoples to recreational fishing are encouraged to apply.

Werribee MP Tim Pallas said the grants were about strengthening fishing clubs and broadening access to the sport.

“We want to help our local fishing clubs grow because they support newcomers to the pastime of fishing and share generations of knowledge amongst members.”

Projects involving IT upgrades, website development, clubroom improvements, and equipment that will benefit all members are also eligible for funding.

In a statement, Victorian Recreational Fishing chair Rob Loats said the grants would benefit more than just individual clubs.

“Our local fishing clubs and associations deliver important community services such as social connection and health and wellbeing benefits and most recreational fishing leaders emerge from organised recreational fishing.”

Applications for the first round of grants close on December 6 and can be made at: