The opening night event might be booked out, but there’s plenty more to see and do during the Wyndham Learning Festival which runs from September 1 to 7.
70 events will be held across the week-long event which is a joint partnership between Wyndham council and Wyndham Community and Education Centre.
The highlight of the program, the opening night WYNtalk event featuring acclaimed children’s author Mem Fox is already fully booked, but Wyndham councillor Jasmine Hill said there was still plenty of other events on offer.
“I encourage everyone to have a look at the program and find something that
interests them or something new they haven’t tried before,” Cr Hill said.
“There is something for everyone from Indian Classical Dance to a nature walk at
Werribee River, basic car care and sewing.”
Among the many events is ‘Art You Ok’, a free exhibition and workshop run by award winning artist and registered art therapist, Xiang Li.
The exhibition showcases the power of art in influencing mental health and features works by Li and other art therapists at The Annex at the Wyndham Cultural Centre from August 30 to September 3.
Li will be running a free workshop from 11am to 12pm on September 2.
An talk from migrant authors ,the Young Scientist of Wyndham competition, a global kitchen food safari and workshops on everything from resume writing, to latin percussion and staying fit over 55 will also feature.
As Cr Hill explained, the range of topics and activities reflects the theme of this year’s festival.
“The theme this year is ‘Our Thriving, Creative Community’ and focuses on creating
a connected and inclusive community that is resilient and can handle whatever
comes its way.”
For more information, visit: Wynlearnfestival.org.au
Cade Lucas.