Feedback wanted on Wyndham’s future

Wyndham Civic Centre. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 255196_02

Wyndham residents are being encouraged to have their say on what the municipality should look like a quarter of a century from now.

Feedback is now being sought on the Wyndham 2050 Community Vision (previously Wyndham 2040 Community Vision) as part of the Future Wyndham project.

The engagement process will start soon when Wyndham households receive a short survey in their mailbox asking them for feedback on the current vision, what the new vision should include and what council should prioritise over the next four years.

This survey will also be available on Wyndham council’s online engagement platform, The


Wyndham mayor Jennie Barrera, said the Future Wyndham project was

a great opportunity for residents to have their say on the future of the municipality.

“The Future Wyndham project will create the Wyndham 2050 Community Vision and

help inform the next Council Plan and major long-term plans,” Cr Barrera said.

“The vision highlights what our community wants Wyndham to be like in 26 years’ time

and is the overarching document that guides everything we do as a council.

Your feedback helps council decide how we allocate funds, what projects we prioritise,

how we look after existing assets and where we direct our resources.”

Those keen to be involved in future stages of the Future Wyndham project, and other projects,

are encouraged to sign up for People’s Advisory Panel.

Panel members are consulted on a range of council projects to provide meaningful

community feedback and input based on their lived experiences and local knowledge.

The Future Wyndham survey and registrations for the People’s Advisory Panel are now

open and will close at 11.59pm on Sunday August 25.

Find out more and have your say at

To join the People’s Advisory Panel, visit
