Fee relief for clubs


Wyndham council has announced that lease and licence fees for community sporting clubs will be waived for the rest of the year.

Wyndham’s sports development portfolio holder, Cr Peter Maynard, said the decision to waive fees was made due to the delay in the commencement of the 2020-21 summer season.

“As much as we all want to get back out on the field, given we still have restrictions in place, access to pavilions, indoor social spaces, change rooms, showers and other internal spaces is not permitted, as per direction from the state government,” Cr Maynard said.

“With access to these facilities restricted and community sport on hold, we’ve made the decision to waive all club lease and licence fees for the first half of the season, through to at least 31 December.

“In terms of longer-term relief, we will assess the situation as restrictions begin to ease.”

Cr Maynard said the council would also extend the court and lane hire subsidy available to clubs using indoor facilities.

“Earlier this year we provided a subsidy for clubs who operate from AquaPulse and Eagle Stadium,” Cr Maynard said.

“We’re extending the period of which the hire subsidy is in place for the same period.

“Sport plays an integral part in our community, providing social connection and encouraging a fit and active lifestyle.

“I’m really looking forward to the day we can all return to the oval, pitch or court in the coming months.”