Fast start to the year for Wyndham Ambulances


Cade Lucas

Ambulances with ‘lights and sirens’ on reached Wyndham patients an average of 90 seconds earlier in the first quarter of 2023, compared to the last quarter of 2022 .

Code one patients in Wyndham waited an average of 15.02 minutes from January to March, just two seconds outside the 15 minute target time for these cases.

Patients requiring urgent care from October to December 2022, waited an average of 16.36.

The percentage of ambulances arriving within the code onetarget time also rose, with 65.3 per cent taking less than 15 minutes, up from 59.4 per cent for the previous quarter.

Overall, there were 3191 code one cases in the municipality over the quarter, 161 less than the three months prior and almost 100 less than the corresponding period last year.

The Wyndham results were part of a statewide improvement in response times released by Ambulance Victoria on Tuesday.

Victoria recorded 92, 413 code one cases from January to March, with 65. 2 per cent of ambulances arriving in under 15 minutes and an average wait time of 15.20.

All measurements were an improvement on the preceding quarter, something Ambulance Victoria’s clinical operations acting director Michael Georgiou attributed to less demand and fewer staff with Covid19.

“This helped speed up the handover of patients at hospitals and allowed to us get back on the road quicker to attend more life-threating emergencies,” Mr Georgiou said.

While pleased with the results, Mr Georgio warned that with winter approaching, demand was rising again and that people should take necessary precautions.

“That’s why I encourage all Victorians take care of themselves and keep regular check-ups with your GP or specialist and get your COVID-19 booster and annual flu shot.