The father of a young Point Cook girl, who suffered an unexpected cardiac arrest last year, has thanked the paediatrics and emergency teams at Werribee Mercy Hospital for saving her life.
Just weeks after the paediatrics ward was officially opened last August, Mark and JunJie Aves took their influenza-stricken daughter Calista to the hospital.
Three hours after arriving at Werribee Mercy, seven-year-old Calista experienced a cardiorespiratory arrest.
Mr Aves said: “We were told at first that she was showing symptoms of pneumonia and further infection, but we weren’t prepared for the frightening events that were soon to follow.
“After going into cardiac arrest, the doctors performed chest compressions for 28 minutes, and twice during that period her heart stopped beating.
“The teams at Werribee Mercy Hospital definitely saved her precious life.”
While the doctors and nurses at Mercy Health kept Calista alive, another battle was soon to begin.
Four hours after her cardiac arrest, Calista she was transferred to the Royal Children’s Hospital, where she required artificial heart and lung support, known medically as extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).
ECMO is the technique of providing prolonged cardiac and respiratory support to patients, and often children, whose heart and lungs are failing to work as they should.
Calista spent two months recuperating at the Royal Children’s Hospital.
Towards the end of last year, Calista was able to gradually return to school, attending classes for one-to-two hours a day as she built her strength up.
In November, Calista, her parents and baby brother Zachary were able to visit Werribee Mercy Hospital to thank the staff for their efforts in saving her life.
Paediatrics ward nurse unit manager Simone Danaher said all the hospital’s team members were proud of the role they played in helping Calista.
“It was a moving and memorable occasion to see her returning to good health after such a frightening experience.” Ms Danaher said.
“It is extremely rare for a child to present with flu and then arrest as she did.
“Calista was fortunate to have the arrest within our emergency ward, surrounded by skilled practitioners.”
This month, the paediatrics ward at Werribee Mercy Hospital is celebrating its first anniversary.
See health-services.mercyhealth.com.au/service/paediatrics-wmh/ for details.