By Alesha Capone
The family who runs Kippers Seafood Fish & Chips say the Werribee business is like a second home.
The El Hawlis have been operating the fish and chip shop for almost two decades.
Brothers Azmi, Ahmed and Mohamed work alongside their other relatives every day, in the business their father started around 18 to 19 years ago.
“With all our customers, they become like our family,” Ahmed said.
“It’s definitely the family atmosphere that I enjoy, you go for a walk down the street in Werribee and someone says hello every five minutes.”
Ahmed said that he and his family often chat to their customers about football.
While he supports Essendon and his brothers barrack for Hawthorn, they also all back Richmond – the team their cousin Bachar Houli played for in the AFL.
“I couldn’t really thank our customers enough, they have been supportive and loyal, and we wouldn’t be where we are today without them,” Ahmed said.
Kippers Seafood Fish & Chips is in the running for the 2021 Great Australian Fish & Chip Awards, which is held annually by Seafood Industry Australia.
Voting in the People’s Choice Award is open until December 12, see www.fishandchipawards.com.au for details.